courses and items for PETA staff only

In today's rapidly evolving world, safeguarding yourself and others is of paramount importance. This online program is built to equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate potential risks confidently.

Throughout this course, we will delve into vital topics such as personal safety, online security, understanding boundaries, criminal exploitation, and protecting yourself from harassment. By exploring real-life scenarios and engaging in interactive activities, you'll gain valuable insights to make informed decisions and protect yourself and those around you.

Our goal is to create a safer community by empowering you to recognise and respond effectively to challenging situations. Let's embark on this journey together and build a resilient, safeguarded future. Join us now and become a proactive agent of change.

Staff Induction for ICT

Teaching you the current day threats that emailing can have to you or your computer and systems


- How to spot a malicious email

- What to do if you spot a malicious email